Applicable local, state and federal rules will be followed
Each student and staff member will be provided with one reusable PLTC mask. These masks are not guaranteed to prevent COVID-19 or any other disease. If students or staff need additional PLTC masks, they can be purchased.
As of this writing, masks will not be required throughout the building but are encouraged. Some classrooms/offices may have a mask request in place. If so, there will be a sign on the door stating the mask request. We ask that all staff and students abide by mask requests in classrooms.
Social distancing will be encouraged. All classrooms have students 4-6 feet from each other and more than 6 feet from the front of the classroom.
Students will be screened before entry. Any student with a fever of over 100 or other symptoms as guided by the health department will be placed in a holding area for a parent to come and get them. They will be masked during their time in the building.
Visitors will be screened before entry as well. Limited visitors will be allowed.
Break Times
Classes will follow a break schedule (to be provided later)
The class will come to the break area, purchase any food and then return to class.
Instructors will spray a provided sanitizer over the snack/soda machines after the last student has used the machine
Custodial/Maintenance crew will do a full sanitize/clean after all breaks have completed
Departure will be as normal but students will be asked to maintain social distancing.
If there are issues with waiting for buses, we will address those as they arrive.
Assemblies/Large Events/Field Trips/Internships
At this time, we will not have any all school assemblies or large events except for open house. Open house will be limited to one family per classroom at a time.
Field trips will be handled on a case-by-case basis as some field trips are required for our program.s
Internships for students will be allowed at this time
In-Person vs. Virtual Learning
Due to the hands-on nature of the PLTC programs, PLTC will not be offering a virtual only option at this time.
We may utilize a A/B day schedule if required by the health department
Student or Staff COVID Related Illness
Each situation will be handled on a case-by-case basis with guidance from the health department.
Student Driving
Any student desiring to drive MUST have the proper paperwork filled out and approved by the sending school principal. Just because a student is choosing a virtual option at the high school does not change this requirement.